Urban Stay - Smart Luxury.
Hotel Daniel
Hotel Daniel offers exactly what smart travellers need. No plush, no pomp – just great style for good money. And some small details such as bees or a boat on the rooftop.
We have never travelled as much as we do today. For business or just out of curiosity. And also because getting from A to B has never been so easy and convenient. The only challenge: Most of the time, you have the choice between boring middle-class or heavy pomp. But Florian Weitzer has created two smart alternatives – in cooperation with moodley brand identity.
At the Hotel Daniel Graz and Daniel Vienna, you will find neither tristesse, nor unnecessary details – only what modern globetrotters really need. The idea: Smart luxury. No pretending, only a certain self-confidence. Thought-through and chic. Subtle, but with a slight personal touch and small playful elements. And maybe next time you will extend your stay by a night.