Celebrating Austria's favorite dish
Meissl & Schadn
Meissl & Schadn. A legendary name that stands for everything that once made the Viennese cuisine famous. It’s no different in Florian Weitzer’s new Meissl & Schadn. Here is where the Austrian’s favourite meal, the Wiener Schnitzel, is baked to perfection and where Viennese cuisine is celebrated.
Schubertring 12 in Vienna is now home to a new restaurant with an old name – a name steeped in legend and love. At the turn of the century it was not only meeting point of Arthur Schnitzler and Sigmund Freud, but also the Viennese’s favourite restaurant. It’s no different today. This is why in Florian Weitzer’s new Meissl & Schadn the original Viennese cuisine with meat, but especially the Austria’s favourite dish, the real Wiener Schnitzel, get special attention. What was needed, was a design, that was able to translate this huge culinary legacy into here and now.
The new Meissl & Schadn is where old meets new and classiness meets smartness. Here you can enjoy your Wiener Schnitzel with a glass of champagne. But you don’t have to. This is why the Corporate Design combines classic elements with unconventional ones. Fresh pink greets dapper gold and fonts are used extensively. No surprise, since the font “Romana” is used again in the new design – after it was originally used in the Meissl & Schadn’s menu at the turn of the century. The restaurant’s tradition becomes as visible as the Austrian’s love to his Schnitzel – fans call it #schnitzellove. You can find it as a Hashtag on countless touchpoints. Because however perfect the Schnitzel’s preparation in Meissl & Schadn is, it is also staged perfectly on the website, on Instagram and so on. For all the Schnitzel lover and everyone who wants to become one. By the way: There is a classic typography that gets its bold presence in the Corporate Design. The Gill Sans, in some sort of three dimensional Ultra Bold, makes for a glamorous appearance of the Schnitzel love.