Redefining the classical music experience for the digital age
The far-reaching changes in the music business do not stop at established event series such as STYRIARTE. The Styrian festival organizers, instead of remaining stuck in the status quo, dared to undergo a bold transformation. Together with moodley, a vision for the future of the music and its experience was developed and realized; one that is no longer tied solely to the physical festival. Audiences and musicians now find an extensive classical music experience that will also inspire younger music fans.
Building on an existing strong brand, moodley developed a component-based design system and thus a flexible and versatile web concept. Around the core of STYRIARTE– the music – and an interactive media library, through which entire concerts could be accessed free of charge during the pandemic restrictions, an intuitive, joint online presence was built. Thus uniting the four festivals under the STYRIARTE banner and combining website, digital services and an extensive content library.